
● 名词界说noun
● 给物或者人的一位称谓或者命名就叫名词了。好比人名.物名了。单词是noun, 缩写为n.
● 名词分类及数目表现
● 可数名词及数目表现countable noun
● 可数名词单数
● 观点能数清的名词,数目为1个,经常使用a/an/the装饰,也能够或者者用序数词装饰了。
● There is an apple on the desk. 桌上有一只苹果了。
● This is my second trip to Guangzhou. 这是我第两次去广州的游览了。
● 可数名词复数
● 观点能数清的名词,数目为两个或者两个以上,撤消用罕见基数词装饰外,也能够或者者用some, any, few, a few, many,量词短语装饰等
● I have two cats. 我有两只猫了。
● 分类
● 罕见可数名词单数变可数名词复数
● 谋划变复数
● 一样平常直-接加s: apple→apples; book→books
● 以x, s, ch, sh结尾加es(口诀小四吃蛇): box→boxes; bus→buses; watch→watches; dish→dishes
● 以辅音+y结尾结尾去y为i再加es: party→parties; city→cities
● 以f或者fe结尾去f或者fe为v再加es: leaf→leaves; knife→knives
● 以o结尾,有性命的加es,无性命的加s
● 有性命以o结尾: hero→heroes; tomato→tomatoes; potato→potatoes(口诀: 英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆)
● 无性命以o结尾: radio→radios; piano→pianos; zoo→zoos; photo→photos(口诀: 收音机和钢琴去动物园照相)
● 罕见反谋划kangaroo复数为kangaroo或者kangaroos; belief复数为beliefs; proof复数为proofs; roof复数为roofs; stomach复数为stomachs
● 罕见不谋划变复数
● 单复同形
● 罕见: 中日羊鱼鹿 Chinese; Japanese; sheep; fish; deer
● 以oo变ee,以a变e
● 罕见: tooth→teeth; foot→feet; goose→geese; woman→women; man→men
● 无单只复
● 罕见: scissors; trousers; savings; earnings; greetings; winnings
● 形复名单
● 罕见: maths; economics; politics; physics
● 其余希奇
● 罕见: child→children; mouse→mice; ox→oxen; German→Germans; American→Americans; human→humans
● 复合名词变复数
● 一样平常直-接在复合名词后边名词或者其余词加s
● 女學生 girl students; 大人 grown-ups
● 重伸主体时,在主体名词后加s
● 旁观者 lookers-on; 亚军 runners-up
● 有man或者woman时,复合名词的名词都要变复数
● 男导师 man teacher→men teachers
● 公司名词
● 观点: 能够领会为做为一位所有,做主语时,谓语动词用单数; 也能够或者者领会为公司里的一切人或者物,做主语是,谓语动词用复数; 罕见有class, family
● The family is famous here. 这全家在这里颇著名了。
● The family are watching TV now. 这全亲属都现在看电视了。
● 不行数名词 uncountable noun
● 数不出的物质名词或者形象名词,经常使用some, any, little, a little, much, a large amount of, a piece of等量词短语装饰
● I would like to drink a cup of water. 我要喝一杯水了。
● 常考不行数名词
● water, bread, health, information, news, advice, progress, weather, money, music, knowledge, rice, juice, soup, salt, milk, meat, wind等
● 注重
● 形象名词详细化,这个时候不行数名词经常会用a装饰; 或者者某些习性搭配也会这样了。
● 好比: have a good time, what a pity, a heavy rain, a strong wind
● 专著名词proper noun
● 给特定的人或者物或者地址起的特命名词,这一类名词平时要大些了。好比: Earth(地), Moon(月)等
● 注重
● 多意名词: 一词多意,复数形势和用法随着意义而变了。罕见: people, interest, fish等
● people做为农民时,常表现复数名词,谓语动词用复数; people做为民族时,能够表现单数名词,变复数时为peoples,谓语动词随单复数转变
● A people(民族) is all the people(农民)(men, women and children) of a particular country or race.
● interest做为兴趣或者利息时为不行数名词,做为利益或者股权时为可数名词,变复数时为interests
● He has interest(兴趣) in how to promote his own interests(利益).
● fish做为鱼时,单复数一样; fish做为种类时变复数为fishes; fish做为鱼肉时为不行数名词
● The fish(鱼肉) is delicious and there are 2 fishes(鱼类) including 10 fish(鱼) in the lake now.
● 名词一切格
● 观点表现名词的所属关系,属于“的啦”,可于是某人的.,也可于是某物的.
● ’s一切格
● 一样平常情形下直-接在名词后加’s,这个内里包罗单数名词.不以s或者es结尾的复数名词等,复合名词也是直-接在最终一位词后加’s
● This is our teacher's dog. 这是咋们导师的狗了。
● They are the men's dogs.你们是这些男子们的狗了。
● This is the looker-up's dog. 这是围观者的狗了。
● 以s或者es结尾的复数名词,后加’
● There are students' book on the desk. 桌上有學生们的书了。
● There are many heroes' houses in our hometown. 在咋们家乡有许多英雄的屋子了。
● of一切格
● 讲明的时刻,要注重前面名词属于后边名词的,这与中文讲明反以前了。“A of B啦”表现“B的A啦”了。
● The windows of the classroom are open. 课堂的窗户是开着的了。
● 双重一切格
● 表现’s和of两类一切格结合在一同运用,称之为双重一切格了。
● Tom is a friend of my uncle's. Tom是我叔叔同伴中的一位.
● 注重
● ’s和of对比
● 一样平常情形下两者能够交换,若必-要重伸区分,of更多用于无性命名词了。
● of和双重一切格对比
● Kitty is a cat of my aunt. 重伸Kitty是我婶婶的猫,重伸所属关系了。
● Kitty is a cat of my aunt's. 重伸Kitty不过我婶婶许多猫里的一只了。
● It is a photo of me. 重伸这是我的照片而且自己在照片里了。
● It's a photo of mine=It's a photo of my photos'. 重伸这是我许多照片中的一张,自己未必在照片里了。注重,考人称代词时会考后边名词性物主代词,之后讲代词时也会再提醒下了。
● 一同拥有A and B’s 和 各自拥有A’s and B’s
● This is Lucy and Tom's mother. 这是Lucy和Tom的妈妈了。(后接的名词可单可复,常后接单数名词)
● They are Lucy's and Tom's mothers. 你们是Lucy的妈妈和Tom的妈妈了。(后接的名词为复数,谓语动词用复数)


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